Friday, 3 May 2013


Below is the specification for the Evaluation task, this task involves me critically reflecting on the progress I have made on both my main media production, and my ancillary tasks and comparing them to existing media products.

And here is the link to my evaluation -

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Film Poster and Magazine Front Cover




Poster Creation

Below is my Poster in creation, this is one of my ancillary tasks for the production. I have created the poster using photoshop utilising various different techniques as filters, brushes and free transforms.
Below is the poster during creation.

This is the original image I have used for the base of my poster,  it is a close up, of the antagonist looking out of the window, but focused on the person giving a slight distortion to the background.

 With the base image selected, I could begin to work on the text and title for the image, for this I tried multiple font styles and colours.

I decided that the best font to use was the last style, because it stands out and is clear and easy to read. I then coloured to see if it fit the style better.

Trailer Final